.... Our Breeds ....
Hilltop farms raises birds in a very eco-friendly environment. On site are a windmill, solar panels and a geothermal heating system. Birds are raised in many small, medium and two large flight pens (100 feet x100 feet) called the Amazon and the Nile. All our pens have constant flowing freshwater, numerous nesting boxes, vegetation, cover, shelter and top netting.
Bald Head Roller Pigeon
Bald Head Roller Pigeon
Bald head Pigeon
Bald Head Roller Pigeon
Bald head Pigeon
Bald Head Roller Pigeon
Bald head Pigeon
Bald Head Roller Pigeon
Bald head Pigeon

Many people think that the Baldhead Roller is the most beautiful of all pigeons. The baldhead color pattern occurs in both flying and exhibition roller pigeons. They lay two eggs per clutch. Eggs hatch in approximately 18 days. Both male and female pigeons incubate eggs and feed their young. Male pigeons incubate the eggs from late morning to late afternoon and the female takes her turn in the late afternoon to late morning. Both parent birds feed and protect their babies.